Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm knitting as fast as I can

I did it again. I'm working furiously on the Central Park Hoodie (which is taking way longer thanks to an overbooked calendar) and I just agreed to make a prayer shawl for someone leaving our church AND something for a charity auction. Both are needed by the first of November.


I keep doing this. I take on freelance assignments when I'm really, really busy with work and volunteer jobs. I agree to sit on a committee when the meeting times conflict with carpool and afterschool tutors. I start a knitting circle that coincides with the once a month cotillion class because it's really the only open slot in my week. 

The real problem is that I want to do EVERYTHING I've committed to. I'm not feeling compelled at all. Somehow it all works, though not without considerable angst when the perfect storm of conflicting appointments crashes down on us all. I try to shoulder that impact, but I'm not always able to keep it away from the family. 

All of which makes me relate to Sarah Palin. 

I was just listening a reprise of Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin on NPR this morning. It's exasperating to hear so much attention given to a candidate's ability to balance work and family, to deal with the logistics of campaigning, governing, wifing, momming, and friending. Frankly, the patronizing is wearing very thin.  Media yackers like to say they're just asking the questions America wants. As if. Most women in America do the juggling act every day and understand that one can be effective when schedules and priorities run in tandem. 

Now it's time for the old boy network and eager beaver talking heads to figure it out.

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